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Pesky Flies Disrupt India’s Key Dairy, Poultry Industries

Fly Control measure using fly trap in a dairy farm

For dairy and poultry farmers, the bane of their daily routine is the unending buzz of pesky flies tormenting the cows, buffalos, hens and chickens. Exasperated, the farmers lament that the pests make milking a misery and spread diseases that causes harm to the livestock and cut productivity. It is a constant fight and even after taking strict measures to keep the area clean, flies always find a way in.

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Eco-Friendly Fly Control Solution: Organic Fly Traps

Targeted Fly Control Measure Better than Insecticides

Organic fly traps offer an eco-friendly approach to controlling fly infestation in dairy, poultry, sericulture, piggeries and fisheries, and in open restaurants, parks, gardens, and garbage centers as well. Organic non-pheromone fly traps are non-poisonous and trap both male and female flies.

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Organic Fly Traps – Targeted Fly Control Measure Better than Insecticides

Targeted Fly Control Measure Better than Insecticides

Stop using harmful insecticides! Organic fly traps offer a safe, effective, and cost-efficient way to control houseflies, blowflies, Uzi flies & more in India. Protect your home, livestock & the silk industry – the smarter, greener choice!

This report analyzes the benefits of the utilization of organic fly traps for targeted fly control measure in the Indian subcontinent, including houseflies (Musca domestica), blowflies (Calliphoridae family), horseflies (Tabanidae family), stud flies (Stratiomyidae family), filth flies (various families), and Uzi flies (Exorista sorbillans). It compares them to insecticides, clearly stating the advantages of organic disposable fly traps.

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Organic Fly Trap Launched in Bengaluru -Press Conference and Dealer Meet

Non-Toxic, Organic Fly Trap Launched in Bengaluru to Combat Houseflies, Blowflies, and Uzi Flies

On February 13, 2024, in Bengaluru, a revolutionary product named “FlyTrap” was introduced to address the persistent issue of houseflies, blowflies, and Uzi flies. These tiny pests pose various problems, spreading diseases, contaminating stored food, and breeding rapidly with up to 12,000 eggs laid by a single female in just 2.5 months.

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जैविक फ्लाई ट्रैप – कीट समस्याओं का समाधान

जैविक फ्लाई ट्रैप – मक्खियों से छुटकारा पाएं

वर्तमान परिदृश्य

हम अभी भी अपनी 1950 के दशक की आर्थिक नीतियों से बहुत आगे नहीं बढ़े हैं। हम खाद्य सुरक्षा के मामले में स्वतंत्र होने की उम्मीद करते हैं। यही एकमात्र कारण है कि राष्ट्रीय कमी की स्थिति में एफसीआई बड़े खाद्य केंद्र बनाए रखता है। इसीलिए 21वीं सदी में भी भारत की 61.5% आबादी कृषि क्षेत्र पर निर्भर है।

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Introducing the Uzi Fly Trap: The Organic Solution for Effective Fly Control

Are you tired of constantly battling with annoying flies in your farm? Look no further! presents the revolutionary Uzi Fly Trap, an organic and highly efficient solution to tackle fly infestations. Our innovative fly traps are designed to target both male and female flies, including houseflies, blowflies, Uzi flies, horse flies, filth flies, and more. Say goodbye to pesky flies with our non-poisonous, non-toxic, and chemical-free disposable fly traps.

Organic Disposable Fly Trap Bag for Uzi Fly



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What is Lumpy Skin Disease?

Lumpy Disease

Cattle are susceptible to the viral illness known as “Lumpy Skin Disease.” It is spread by ticks or other insects that feed on blood, such as some types of flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.
Lumpy infection mostly effected the skin of animals that is categorized as lumpy jaw, lumpy skin, sheep pox virus, Goat pox virus.
The disease spreads quickly, especially in animals that have never been exposed to the virus. The disease can cause fever, skin tumors, and even result in death in many cases. Continue reading What is Lumpy Skin Disease?

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Uzi Fly is a Menace to Silkworms & Sericulture

Uzi Fly A Threat to Sericulture Industry India - FlyTrap

Before moving to Uzi Fly, let us first talk about Sericulture – the process of silkworm rearing and then we will move on to why uzi fly is a menace to silkworms.

Silkworm Rearing or Sericulture or Silk Farming in India goes back to 140 AD and India is now the second largest producer of silk in the world after China. Sericulture is the process of cultivation searing of silkworms for the production of raw silk.

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