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7 Effective Fly Control Measures in Pig Farms

Pig Farm in India

Fly control measures in pig farms plays a vital role in saying good-bye to flies and hello to profits. Flies are a serious threat to piggeries. They are more than a nuisance. They can impact pig health, hygiene, and very often leads to deadly diseases not only in pigs but the people working around them. Maintaining a fly-free zone should not be an endless battle. We are here with 7 easy and effective fly control measures, which when taken, can radically reduce and even stop flies leading to a productive business.

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Organic Fly Trap Launched in Bengaluru -Press Conference and Dealer Meet

Non-Toxic, Organic Fly Trap Launched in Bengaluru to Combat Houseflies, Blowflies, and Uzi Flies

On February 13, 2024, in Bengaluru, a revolutionary product named “FlyTrap” was introduced to address the persistent issue of houseflies, blowflies, and Uzi flies. These tiny pests pose various problems, spreading diseases, contaminating stored food, and breeding rapidly with up to 12,000 eggs laid by a single female in just 2.5 months.

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जैविक फ्लाई ट्रैप – कीट समस्याओं का समाधान

जैविक फ्लाई ट्रैप – मक्खियों से छुटकारा पाएं

वर्तमान परिदृश्य

हम अभी भी अपनी 1950 के दशक की आर्थिक नीतियों से बहुत आगे नहीं बढ़े हैं। हम खाद्य सुरक्षा के मामले में स्वतंत्र होने की उम्मीद करते हैं। यही एकमात्र कारण है कि राष्ट्रीय कमी की स्थिति में एफसीआई बड़े खाद्य केंद्र बनाए रखता है। इसीलिए 21वीं सदी में भी भारत की 61.5% आबादी कृषि क्षेत्र पर निर्भर है।

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Introducing the Uzi Fly Trap: The Organic Solution for Effective Fly Control

Are you tired of constantly battling with annoying flies in your farm? Look no further! presents the revolutionary Uzi Fly Trap, an organic and highly efficient solution to tackle fly infestations. Our innovative fly traps are designed to target both male and female flies, including houseflies, blowflies, Uzi flies, horse flies, filth flies, and more. Say goodbye to pesky flies with our non-poisonous, non-toxic, and chemical-free disposable fly traps.

Organic Disposable Fly Trap Bag for Uzi Fly



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What is Lumpy Skin Disease?

Lumpy Disease

Cattle are susceptible to the viral illness known as “Lumpy Skin Disease.” It is spread by ticks or other insects that feed on blood, such as some types of flies, mosquitoes, and ticks.
Lumpy infection mostly effected the skin of animals that is categorized as lumpy jaw, lumpy skin, sheep pox virus, Goat pox virus.
The disease spreads quickly, especially in animals that have never been exposed to the virus. The disease can cause fever, skin tumors, and even result in death in many cases. Continue reading What is Lumpy Skin Disease?

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Uzi Fly is a Menace to Silkworms & Sericulture

Uzi Fly A Threat to Sericulture Industry India - FlyTrap

Before moving to Uzi Fly, let us first talk about Sericulture – the process of silkworm rearing and then we will move on to why uzi fly is a menace to silkworms.

Silkworm Rearing or Sericulture or Silk Farming in India goes back to 140 AD and India is now the second largest producer of silk in the world after China. Sericulture is the process of cultivation searing of silkworms for the production of raw silk.

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FLY TRAP – Launch of Organic House Fly Trapping System in India

Image for Fly Trap - Launch of Housefly Trapping Systems in India

Organic Fly Trap – House Fly Trapping

2020 has all been about a burgeoning pandemic, COVID-19. With India fighting the major outbreak, the country has also understood the meaning of the word “disease transmission”. By far, the major transmission of deadly Sars-CoV-2 virus has been through droplet transmission. Airborne transmission and insect transmission has not been reported yet. Continue reading FLY TRAP – Launch of Organic House Fly Trapping System in India

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Why Choose Fly Trap?

Why Organic Fly Traps

Why Choose FlyTrap?

Why do We Need Fly Trap Solutions in India?

Since 1998, India is unbeatable in its milk-producing capabilities and has ranked first among all the other milk-producing nations. Milk production has been rapidly increasing over the years. If we look into the statistics, from 1950 through 51, India has shown milk production of about 7 million tones, which has boomed to 176.4 million in 2017-18. As there is a lack of viable options for the control of house flies, which are continuously breeding and feeding on the cattle, it has always been a hot topic among dairy producers. Continue reading Why Choose Fly Trap?

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How Does The Organic Fly Trap Work?

How Does The Organic Fly Trap Work?

It is really interesting how a small thing like Fly can ruin the whole yield and in many cases, are the source of a pandemic or a disease outbreak.

Flies sit around dirty and harmful materials in the surroundings and become infectious and poisonous for agriculture. Roaming flies can cause massive loss to the overall place of farming by spreading diseases that are transferred by them. Continue reading How Does The Organic Fly Trap Work?

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मक्खियों से कैसे छुटकारा पाएं? मक्खियों से बचाव

फ्लाई ट्रैप काम कैसे करता है?

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