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चांदीपुरा वायरस – मक्खी बन रही है मौत की वजह

चांदीपुरा वायरस – मक्खी बन रही है मौत की वजह

गुजरात के कई जिलों में चांदीपुरा वायरस फैला है।

चांदीपुरा वायरस एक आरएनए वायरस है जो फ़्लेबोटोमाइन मक्खी से फेलता है। अब तक गुजरात में इसके सत्ताईस संदिघ मामले सामने आ चुके हैं और चौदह लोगों की मौत हो चुकी है।

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Sericulture Farmer Interaction at Government Cocoon Market Mysuru

Sericulture Farmer Interaction at Government Cocoon Market Mysuru 1

Free Fly Trap Distribution and Sericulture Farmer Interaction Program organized a sericulturists’ interaction event at Government Cocoon Market in Mysuru. The program was a success as many silkworm rearing farmers and businessmen related to the Sericulture industry turn up for the event.

Mr. Gaurav Aggarwal, founding Director,, in presence of Mr. Rajappa (Retired) Deputy Director Sericulture Department. Mr. Mahesh Babu Deputy Director, GCM Mysore, and our distributor for Mysore
Mr. Ravi Narayan of M/s. Srinivasa Enterprises made the farmers aware of the pesky menace – Uzi flies.

Sericulture Farmer Interaction at Government Cocoon Market Mysuru 3
Sericulture Farmer Interaction at
Government Cocoon Market Mysuru
Sericulture Farmer Interaction at Government Cocoon Market Mysuru 4
Sericulture Farmer Interaction at Government Cocoon Market Mysuru – Fly Trap Free Distribution

Uzi Flies – A Menace

Uzi flies are a serious threat to the sericulture industry. Silkworms are the main source of income in the sericulture industry. Uzi flies lay eggs on them and when these eggs hatch, the hatchlings feed on silkworms and kill them. As per the studies, a single female uzi fly lay around 500-600 eggs on the silkworm larvae at a time. One can only speculate the destruction caused by hundreds of uzi flies when it comes to fly infestation. It will surely destroy the sericulture farm.

The respected team had one-on-one conversation with farmers on the issues they face in silkworm rearing due to uzi flies and the various methods involved in getting rid of the uzi fly infestation. The organic fly traps were distributed for free to create awareness among all.

Brief about Organic Uzi Fly Trap

Sericulture Farmer Interaction at Government Cocoon Market Mysuru 2 - FlyTrap
Sericulture Farmer Interaction at Government Cocoon Market Mysuru – FlyTrap offer an organic solution to get rid of uzi flies. Our disposable organic fly traps can trap both male and female flies and are chemical-free and non-toxic.

Unlike pesticides and chemical sprays that harm silkworms too, our organic fly traps are harmless to silkworms, humans and the environment.

The bait or lure inside the eco-friendly bag is made of food-based material that is meant to attract the uzi flies. The bag traps the uzi flies inside.

The fly trap bag only needs water and sunlight for activation within 24 hours. It works for 30 days and once full, you can close it and toss it in a trashcan.


  1. Fully Organic and Eco-friendly
  2. Traps both male and female uzi flies
  3. No need to touch bait or uzi flies
  4. Do not harm silkworms
  5. Easy to Install and Dispose
  6. Only Need Water and Sunlight

India is the second largest producer of raw silk and Karnataka is the major hub for the sericulture industry. Out of all states, Karnataka produces 11000+ metric tons of raw silk every year. The main aim for this sericulture farmer interaction was to educate them about the organic methods to stop uzi flies and to avoid using harmful chemical sprays and pesticides that might harm silkworms too.

The organic fly traps are disposable bags so that you don’t have to touch the baits or uzi flies. And this makes it hygienic. One can place an order of Set of 3 fly trap bags to test it. The order quantity depends on the area to be covered. One fly trap bag covers 30 feet area depending on the weather conditions.


Trial Pack – Set of 3:

Set of 6:

Set of 9:

Large Scale Box of 81:

We organized a similar event in Ramanagara and Kolar, Karnataka also.

You can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay connected where we showcase real videos from various parts of the country and information related to our uzi fly traps and sericulture industry.

Order organic fly traps to avoid uzi fly infestation in the near future. For bulk pricing and other questions, you can connect with us via WhatsApp chat and we will definitely answer your questions regarding the product.

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Farmers Meet at GCM Kolar Karnataka Department of Sericulture

Farmer's Meet Government Cocoon Market Kolar, Karnataka

Introduction of Organic Fly Trap and its Benefits to Silk Farmers

21st June 2024

On 21st June 2024, in a Farmers Meet at GCM, Kolar, Mr. Gaurav Aggarwal, the Director of and Mr. S.N. Srinivas, Deputy Director, Department of Sericulture, Government of Karnataka, along with Dr. J.B. Narendra Kumar, Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles. Govt. of India, and Mr. B.M. Shankare Gowda, President, Kolar Sericulture Farmer Producer Company Ltd. explained the benefits of installing organic fly traps.

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Pesky Flies Disrupt India’s Key Dairy, Poultry Industries

Fly Control measure using fly trap in a dairy farm

For dairy and poultry farmers, the bane of their daily routine is the unending buzz of pesky flies tormenting the cows, buffalos, hens and chickens. Exasperated, the farmers lament that the pests make milking a misery and spread diseases that causes harm to the livestock and cut productivity. It is a constant fight and even after taking strict measures to keep the area clean, flies always find a way in.

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Eco-Friendly Fly Control Solution: Organic Fly Traps

Targeted Fly Control Measure Better than Insecticides

Organic fly traps offer an eco-friendly approach to controlling fly infestation in dairy, poultry, sericulture, piggeries and fisheries, and in open restaurants, parks, gardens, and garbage centers as well. Organic non-pheromone fly traps are non-poisonous and trap both male and female flies.

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रेशम फार्मों में उजी मक्खी नियंत्रण

उजी मक्खियाँ रेशमकीट उद्योग में रेशमकीटों के लिए सबसे बड़ा खतरा हैं। भारत कच्चे रेशम का दुनिया का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा उत्पादक है, जो वैश्विक उत्पादन का लगभग 18% है। उजी मक्खी रेशमकीटों पर अंडे देती है, और जब अंडे फूटते हैं, तो कीड़े रेशमकीटों को खाकर उन्हें मार देते हैं। रेशम फार्मों में उजी मक्खी नियंत्रण समय की मांग है। उजी मक्खी के संक्रमण को नियंत्रित करने के लिए, हम आपके लिए जैविक मक्खी जाल लाए हैं जो नर और मादा दोनों मक्खियों को फँसाते हैं। जैविक उजी फ्लाई ट्रैप आज ही ऑर्डर करें

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Organic Fly Traps – Targeted Fly Control Measure Better than Insecticides

Targeted Fly Control Measure Better than Insecticides

Stop using harmful insecticides! Organic fly traps offer a safe, effective, and cost-efficient way to control houseflies, blowflies, Uzi flies & more in India. Protect your home, livestock & the silk industry – the smarter, greener choice!

This report analyzes the benefits of the utilization of organic fly traps for targeted fly control measure in the Indian subcontinent, including houseflies (Musca domestica), blowflies (Calliphoridae family), horseflies (Tabanidae family), stud flies (Stratiomyidae family), filth flies (various families), and Uzi flies (Exorista sorbillans). It compares them to insecticides, clearly stating the advantages of organic disposable fly traps.

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7 Effective Fly Control Measures in Pig Farms

Pig Farm in India

Fly control measures in pig farms plays a vital role in saying good-bye to flies and hello to profits. Flies are a serious threat to piggeries. They are more than a nuisance. They can impact pig health, hygiene, and very often leads to deadly diseases not only in pigs but the people working around them. Maintaining a fly-free zone should not be an endless battle. We are here with 7 easy and effective fly control measures, which when taken, can radically reduce and even stop flies leading to a productive business.

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