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7 Effective Fly Control Measures in Pig Farms

Pig Farm in India

Fly control measures in pig farms plays a vital role in saying good-bye to flies and hello to profits. Flies are a serious threat to piggeries. They are more than a nuisance. They can impact pig health, hygiene, and very often leads to deadly diseases not only in pigs but the people working around them. Maintaining a fly-free zone should not be an endless battle. We are here with 7 easy and effective fly control measures, which when taken, can radically reduce and even stop flies leading to a productive business.

7 Effective Fly Control Measures in Pig Farms:

  1. Manure Management:

    fly eggs laid on manure

    • Remove manure frequently or at least twice weekly to break the fly breeding cycle in pig farms.
    • Consider composting manure with proper aeration.
    • Explore modern technologies like manure scraping systems for efficiency.
    • Manure management is one of the first fly control measures in pig farms.
  2. Sanitation & Hygiene:

    Pig Farm in India

    • Maintain clean and dry feeding areas to prevent spilled feed that attracts flies.
    • Regularly cleaning water troughs and other equipment can reduce the breeding grounds for flies.
    • Avoid moisture build ups as flies love it.
  3. Strategic Fly Trap Placement:

    Organic Fly Trap by

    • Utilize organic, eco-friendly, non-toxic fly traps strategically around pig pens and breeding areas.
    • Just hang the fly trap bag in sunlight and add water to the fill line.
    • The Fly Traps are activated within 24 hours and once they are full, you can get dump them without touching baits or flies.
  4. Exclusion Measures:

    Proper Aeration in Pig Pens is one of the effective fly control measures in Pig Farms

    • Seal openings and holes in buildings to prevent flies from entering pig pens.
    • Install screens on windows and doors to further stop flies from entering the area.
    • Maintain good ventilation within pig pens to discourage fly activity.
  5. Dietary Adjustments:

    • Consult a veterinarian about adjusting pig feed to potentially make it less attractive to flies.
    • This might involve altering the feed composition or using additives that deter fly activity.
    • But prioritize animal health and well-being during any dietary alterations.
    • Do not make any assumptions and talk to veterinarian before taking this step.
  6. Routine Monitoring:

    • Regularly monitor fly populations around pig pens to analyze the effectiveness of control measures.
    • Identify areas with high fly activity and adjust the measures accordingly.
    • This allows for early detection and prevent potential outbreaks.
  7. Integrated Approach:

    • Combine several control methods for a comprehensive fly management program.
    • This might involve a combination of sanitation, traps, aeration, and other strategies.
    • An integrated approach in fly control measures in pig farms is more likely to achieve long-term success.

By taking these measures to control flies in your pig farm, you can effectively control the outbreak and keep your pigs and people around them safe from any diseases. Make your pig farm a fly-free zone with out organic fly traps.

Call +91-9811000194 to know more about our wonderful fly trap that works on both male and female flies. Check out products details on the product page.

Not only pig farms, but our fly traps can be installed in various places like dairy farms, poultry farms, sericulture industry, milk production plants and much more. Fly control measures in pig farms can drastically prevent the diseases and result in better yield without harming the environment. is a company dedicated to providing fly trapping solutions in India. Our fly traps are fully organic and attracts both male and female flies resulting in total fly control. Our fly trap bags are very compact and easy to install and dispose-off once full. The best part is you only need water and sunlight to activate the system and it trap flies for 30 days. For details, check out the video below and see how it is super easy to install it in affected areas: